Puppet Song (Song for the Other Guy)
The C&M Waltz
As They Waltz Off into the Sunset (solo version)
NYU/Fales Collection Master Class
John McCain Memorial Service
The Swan and the Vulture
Spin Cycle
Music of Chants
Pauline, Pauline (for Pauline Oliveros)
Guy Klucevsek – Three Tributes
As They Waltz Off into the Sunset
Guy Klucevsek – Dancing on the Volcano
Guy Klucevsek – Ratatatatouille
Guy Klucevsek – Breathless and Bewildered
Dear Werner
Guy Klucevsek: Interviewed by Philip Blackburn, about his Innova Music cd, “The Multiple Personality Reunion Tour.”
Poetry in Motion: Music for Mobiles
Steve Mobia: “Behind the Bellows,” excerpt.